02 March 2010

uPDate: plant nursery

...still working at the woods plant nursery. this has been a very educational experience - i am thoroughly interested in learning more about horticulture. the cool thing about being in australia on a "casual labor" visa is that you get to try lots of different things. on monday, the three of us (me/danny/leona) will leave to go "woofing": working on a farm in exchange for food & accommodation (no money). we will be on a ranch 500 km north of here rounding up herds of goats while riding around on quads. this too sounds very educational.

our rain water drinking supply which cuts out all the time but tastes good.


this is the day that my boss called me a masochist for the pleasure he witnessed when i was sawing the plants down. now he gives me all the jobs which involve a saw.

spider shed converted into a studio, danny's side.

from the outside looking in.

my side.

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