25 April 2010

C'est La Vie

Hibernating in Kununurra has proved quite entertaining. I have become an Outback Warrior - fishing barramundi at night with a hand line, hunting crocs, swimming in murky waterholes, crossing rushing rivers up to my waist, climbing limestone mountains...all the while wearing khaki shorts & hiking boots. I can identify most of the regional wild life: goannas, frilly neck lizards, rock wallabies, salt water crocs vs.fresh water crocs, a plethora of birds & fauna of which my favorites are the Jesus bird & the Boab tree.

The actual town is flat swampland so I bought a push bike to do my grocery shopping or ride to the national park... but mostly it is a great way to get around the campsite & visit friends at their various gypsy encampments. You should see the intricate shanties here, outdoor living can be quite luxurious with the exception of the mosquitoes which are my greatest enemy.

Although there is nothing very impressive about the town itself, I truly appreciate its simplicity & lack of options. The highlight of my week is the Saturday market where i can get my mango ice cream (100% mango no additives) & observe the seemingly untroubled Australians as they talk crops & fishing. Everyone drives a ute., business deals are done at the local pub & hierarchy is defined by what size barramundi you can catch.

Bizarre hey...

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