11 April 2011

DAy 1 1/2: Arrived in Tel Aviv

I've made it to Tel Aviv after a riveting day of travel.

I would have to say the highlight was being interrogated & detained by the Israeli private security team. The cool part of being suspected of terrorism is that you get to cut all of the security lines. Once they've searched all of your belongings & determined that you aren't carrying any bombs, they are required to escort you until you enter the plane. Funny part was that I was given 3 escorts. Got some great insider tips as myself & the three escorts waited at the gate for an hour until the plane started to board.

Once on board it really hit me that I was going to Israel. I have never seen so many peyos in my life. At dawn all the men put on their Tefillim & went to the exit areas to pray. I was the only blond in a sea of Orthodox. I am now all caught up on ultra conservative Jewish practices. Did you know that a woman can't ever show her hair to her husband, not even during baby making time...? Astonishing.

My drive from the airport to the hotel revealed a very modern city with a cafe/restaurant culture compared to that of New York. I was considering showering & going out for a walk, but when I got to the room & their was a fresh fruit platter, I suddenly felt that some fruit & a sleeping pill would be sufficient for my first night in Tel Aviv.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

israel has the best security system in the world, nothing to compare with the united states. i am studying the security rules of ICAO and i can tell you that for israel the most important thing is to know WHO you are and not what are your belongings. so what have happened to you is absolutely normal! there's only a million people a year getting through their country. and they've got know who they are.
today's security regulations were already used in Israel since the 80's. what is really absurd is that till 9/11 in the Us there were no domestic flight control, such as x-ray and sniffer, only a percentage of persons had to go through. plus you were allowed a 5 inches knife on a plane, when everywhere it was already half the size.