09 January 2010

i made it....

AFter one week of driving from Sydney, to MElbourne, through Victoria, the Great Ocean ROad, across the Nullabor Plain (the real deal outback), having my car overheat in the middle of nowhere, sleeping in trucker stops, having no cell phone or internet access, running over a snake, hitting two parrots & swimming in very cold but sparkling turquoise waters.... I am in Western AUstralia! Approx. 4,000 kilometers later I am a very happy girl. I have made it to what seems to be a mecca of green - forests running into ocean & a very environmentally conscience community - quite different than the EAst coast which is very commercialized. CUrrently I am posted at the Riverbend camp site in Denmark. I am looking at sheep, a horse & a swing hanging from a tree. Sigh....

Oh yes, the Wild West. Pics to follow.


Unknown said...

I am so proud of you in so many ways!!!

Kelly Cattalini said...

Very exciting, can't wait to see some photos! We miss you, xoxoxo